A Bible Study For You ... Us

A Bible Study For You ... Us
Join me in reading through the Bible and sharing thoughts, questions or impacts that arise from God's Word!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010



This task must have taken quite a long time. It was a bit hard for me to resist the urge to simply scan to the number of each family. I do not know the reason, but I know there is a reason for the repetition. If God felt it important to be written multiple times then should it not be important for me to read it multiple times?

Arrangement of Tribal Camps

That is 603,550 names written down and the arrangement of how they should have in camp, and they did so.


Death was the penalty for not following God's instruction regarding the tabernacle and priestly duties.

Another lengthy task of counting, not taking names this time though, all the male Levites. There were 22,000.

However, names were to be taken as Moses wrote down and counted up all the first born males of all the tribes. There were 22,273. The Levites were the Lord's in place of the firstborn of all the tribes.

The Lord claimed all the firstborn (man and animal) when He put to death all the firstborn in Egypt.

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