A Bible Study For You ... Us

A Bible Study For You ... Us
Join me in reading through the Bible and sharing thoughts, questions or impacts that arise from God's Word!

Monday, January 18, 2010



These rules are very good for keeping germs at bay as well as food borne illnesses. Moses and the Israelites could not have known the scientific logic to these rules. God, however, who created all things, knew all about this, as all of His rules do these were meant to keep His people healthy and happy.

For me this is a good reminder that it doesn't really matter if I understand the why begind God's rules. All I need to know is that He loves me and wants what is best for me. Follwing Him will ultimately bring me the best, more than I could ever imagine.


A couple things confuse me here. First, why is a woman unclean for twice as long when she has a daughter rather than a son? Secondly, why is a sin offering required once the pirufication time is over? Is it sinful to give birth?


It seems harsh that not only do you have to live alone outside the camp if you have an infectious skin disease but you also have to wear torn clothing and yell, "Unclean! Unclean!" as you walk about. I understand the wisdom of the isolation, it just makes me sad. I like my alone time, but only in very small measures.

Somehow I don't ever remember the rules about mildewed clothing. I mean, I forget that there even are any.


All I can say is a huge thank you to Jesus for releasin us from the old law.


It would appear that the assumption was everone sinned. Which everyone does. All fall short, all go astray. Everyone must make a sin offering at prescribed times and then additional offerings for specific ailments, sins, etc.

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