A Bible Study For You ... Us

A Bible Study For You ... Us
Join me in reading through the Bible and sharing thoughts, questions or impacts that arise from God's Word!

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Although Sarah was in her 80s or 90s, she was evidently still desirable or the king would not have sent for her.

Why this was done more than once is explained as Sarah is indeed Abraham's half sister and early on Abraham had told Sarah that she could show her love to him by telling all he was her brother during their wanderings for the Lord.

Just as Hagar was driven away while pregnant with Ishmael because her attitude, and perhaps actions and/or words, raised Sarah's ire ... Ishmael caused his mother and himself to be sent away when he was mocking Sarah's son.

Hagar was Egyptian and had Ishmael marry an Egyptian woman. Why are we told this? What is the importance?

Why does God test Abraham by telling him to sacrifice Isaac? God knows already how Abraham will respond. Is it to help Abraham grow in his faith? How did this episode affect Isaac? Were the circumstances explained to him? Love and obey the Lord you God above all else ... including your own children.

Putting your hand under some one's thigh to swear an oath ... was that the custom? Is this how all oaths were taken at that time?

Abraham had more children after Ishmael and Isaac. Abraham gave gifts to his other sons before he died and sent them away from Isaac to whom he left everything he owned. Were they Abraham's sons? They are referred to as "the sons of Abraham's concubines". Is this because Isaac was the only son recognized by Abraham as his? Isaac is referred to as Abraham's ONLY son.

When Abraham dies Ishmael and Isaac buried him together. Any other children had been sent away.

Isaac and Rebekah had been married 20 years before Jacob and Esau were born.

How hungry was Esau to sell his birthright for a bowl of soup? Was he truly starving? Weak with hunger? Was the food really needed to sustain him or was he simply hasty?

I have said or thought, "I'm starving!" many times but I have never actually been starving. Merely quite hungry.

Isaac, like his father Abraham, told people that his wife was his sister, fearing they would kill him so that Rebekah would be free to marry another. Was this common practice. Did many men with desirable wives call them "sister" whilst traveling? Is this the same Abimilech that Abraham and Sarah sought to deceive in the same manner? Was he on his guard to watch for such deceptions?

Why was Rebekah so deceptive. Why did she feel the need to steal Esau's blessing for her favored son?

It is sad to me that Jacob's concern seemed to be that he could get caught rather than what he was doing was wrong. Jacob says it would appear he was tricking his father. Not only would it appear that way ... he actually was tricking his father.

Isaac suspected something was amiss before he gave Jacob the blessing.

Esau accuses Jacob of deceiving him out of his birthright. Was it really deception or simply taking advantage of a hungry brother?

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