A Bible Study For You ... Us

A Bible Study For You ... Us
Join me in reading through the Bible and sharing thoughts, questions or impacts that arise from God's Word!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


How quickly the Israelites went from singing and dancing praise to the Lord (for the great miracle of parting the Red Sea and drowning the Pharoah and his charioteers) to grumbling because they had no fresh water.

Who does this remind me of?

Oh right, me! How quickly I forget God's blessings when any little irritant comes up. If I keep my eyes on God and do what is right in His eyes ... how can I go wrong? I must try harder to focus on Him even (or especially) when I'm irritated.

The last priestly garment described sounds a lot like boxer shorts. Was this the beginning of underclothes ... for modesty's sake? God indicated the priests must wear these shorts whenever entering the Tent of Meeting to avoid guilt and death. It seems to me that the Lord our God takes modesty pretty seriously. I'm thinking that means we should as well.

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