A Bible Study For You ... Us

A Bible Study For You ... Us
Join me in reading through the Bible and sharing thoughts, questions or impacts that arise from God's Word!

Sunday, January 24, 2010



The Year of Jubilee is very appealing to me. I like the idea of not buying land permanently as it will be returned to the original family in the 50th year. This is a very good reminder that the land belongs to God and we are simply entrusted to take care of it.

Per I should be thinking this way about my own small piece of land. I'm always thinking that I'll never truly own the land my home is on because I have to pay taxes so really I have only bought the right to live here until the government decides they need this bit of land for something else. I have said in the past that the government owns my land I just pay rent to stay here. It is really God who owns the land, just as He owns everything He has created ... which would be everything.

LEVITICUS 2All we have to do to have peace in our land is to follow Gods decrees and obey His commands. Makes me wonder how peaceful my home and even just myself would be if I were obeying God's commands. Hmmmmmmm ...

Punishments for not obeying God's commands: terror, disease, hardship, defeat, weakness, poverty, loss, war plague, hunger, cannibalism, destruction, overwnhelming fear, etc.

If sins are confessed we will not be rejected and destroyed utterly by God. We'll have to pay for those sins though.

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