A Bible Study For You ... Us

A Bible Study For You ... Us
Join me in reading through the Bible and sharing thoughts, questions or impacts that arise from God's Word!

Friday, January 8, 2010



They were to keep Aaron's consecrated garments to be worn for seven days by future generations of head priests. I did not know this before.

There were daily offerings to the Lord ... two sheep to be burned, among other things. I did not realize this either.

There was a special Altar of Incense with special incense to be burned regularly before the Lord. Twice a day for generations.

There was a special formula for anointing oil to be used on the Tent of Meeting, the Ark of the Testimony and the other sacred items in the Tent of Meeting. It was not to be used for anything else.

Likewise, there was a specific formula for incense that was to be kept most holy and not used for anything other than sprinkling on the ground in front of the Tent of Meeting.

There were dire consequences if anyone duplicated these formulas to use for their own personal use or anything else.

After the Lord had described in great detail all that was to be made for the Tent of Meeting, He told Moses who He had chosen to fill with the Spirit of God; with skill, ability and knowledge to make these things.

Did Moses lose control of himself when he saw the golden calf and everyone singing and dancing and basically partying? Is that why he threw the stone tablets inscribed by the hand of God, which subsequently broke?

Why did Moses make the people drink the golden calf crushed into water?

In verse 11 Moses actually spoke with the Lord face to face, "as a man speaks with his friend." How awesome was that? I can't wait until I get to do that.

In verse 20 the Lord tells Moses that no one may see His face and live. How did Moses speak face to face with the Lord and not perish while in the Tent of Meeting?

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