A Bible Study For You ... Us

A Bible Study For You ... Us
Join me in reading through the Bible and sharing thoughts, questions or impacts that arise from God's Word!

Friday, January 1, 2010


When did this happen? Had Adam & Even been in existence for a short time or had they been in the garden for decades?

Cain was the first born son. Why did Cain bring his first fruits as an offering? Did the Lord instruct him to? Did his parents? Was it because Cain loved God and wanted to thank him for his bounty? Was it not Cain's first fruits? Abel brought an offering from his first born livestock. Is this why Cain's offering was not looked upon with favor? God asked Cain, "If you do what is right, will you not be accepted?" Was Cain already doing things he shouldn't before he brought his offering to the Lord?

"At that time men began to call on the name of the Lord." What does this last line of chapter 4 mean?

What is Lamech's story? God told Cain he would be avenged seven times. Did He tell Lamech 77 times? Where did Lamech get this idea?

Other than Seth, is this a record of first born children or just certain ones in the line of Noah?

Enoch is singled out as having walked with God rather than just living. Was he more obedient to the Lord than the others?

The Nephilim were on the earth in the days of Noah ... and also afterward. Were they wiped out by the flood? Are they still here?

Noah was blameless among the people of his time. The people of his time were so corrupt and violent that God decided to wipe the earth clean.

Noah was to bring two of each kind of living thing to be kept alive, they would come to him. Nice that he was not required to go seek them all out and gather them to himself.

Noah was instructed further to bring seven of every clean kind of animal and two of every unclean animal, seven of every kind of bird. I do remember that sacrifices were made to God upon leaving the ark. It would be good to have more than two of something if one is going to be killed as a sacrifice.

Everything living on the face of the earth and every bird of the sky were wiped from the earth.

God gave Noah and his family dominion to use clean animals for meat, just as He had given them the green plants as food in the beginning.

God established his covenant to never again cut off all life by waters; not only with Noah and his family but with all the animals that came out of the ark with them. Had the animals and birds also been corrupted and become violent so they had to be destroyed as well?

The rainbow is a sign of God's covenant with every living thing on earth.

Adam and Eve learned when they ate of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil that they were naked. Their immediate response was to make clothing to cover themes. The first mention of modesty. The concept of modesty reinforced when God made clothes for them from animal skins to replace the coverings they had made for themselves from fig leaves.

Noah was found naked by his son Ham who told the other brothers. The other brothers, Shem and Japheth, took pains to avoid seeing their father's nakedness while covering him so others also would not see his nakedness. Another indication we are to be modest. Reinforced by Noah cursing the son who looked upon him and blessing the sons who covered him.

GENESIS 15 & 16
God told Abram that he would have a son from his own body and that he would have countless descendants. Who the mother would be was not specified at this time. In fact, Abram had two sons from his own body. Each with a different mother and a promise from God of descendants too numerous to count.

Here God changed the names of Abram and Sarai to Abraham and Sarah. He also promised Abraham a son by Sarah. This son is the one which He will make His covenant. Through this line with Sarah would kings of peoples come. Sarah would be the mother of nations.

Ishmael, Abraham's first son, would also be blessed.

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