A Bible Study For You ... Us

A Bible Study For You ... Us
Join me in reading through the Bible and sharing thoughts, questions or impacts that arise from God's Word!

Sunday, January 31, 2010



I wonder what was in the bitter water.


"He sinned by being in the presence of the dead body"

So, if someone dies suddenly in your presence, you have sinned. Interesting.

The Priestly Blessing is one of my favorite passages. I wish my memory worked so I could remember it, or at least remember where to find it. Perhaps I should get some artwork or something that has this scripture on it.

Saturday, January 30, 2010



Was the Kohathites task at all nerve-wracking for them? Your job is to carry all of the holy items from the Tent of Meeting. However, if you look upon them before they are ready or actually touch any of them you will die.

The Gershonites and Merarites had more straight forward jobs. you carry all the curtains and covergs. You carry all the framework.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010



This task must have taken quite a long time. It was a bit hard for me to resist the urge to simply scan to the number of each family. I do not know the reason, but I know there is a reason for the repetition. If God felt it important to be written multiple times then should it not be important for me to read it multiple times?

Arrangement of Tribal Camps

That is 603,550 names written down and the arrangement of how they should have in camp, and they did so.


Death was the penalty for not following God's instruction regarding the tabernacle and priestly duties.

Another lengthy task of counting, not taking names this time though, all the male Levites. There were 22,000.

However, names were to be taken as Moses wrote down and counted up all the first born males of all the tribes. There were 22,273. The Levites were the Lord's in place of the firstborn of all the tribes.

The Lord claimed all the firstborn (man and animal) when He put to death all the firstborn in Egypt.

Monday, January 25, 2010



The tenth part (every tenth part) is holy and set aside for the Lord. Since we have no livestock I would put this in terms of dollars. Every tenth dollar earned is to be given to God.

If anything is given to the Lord and then taken ba, a fifth of the value must be added on to take it back. Makes me wonder about the troubles and plans I turn over to God and then take back. Am I increasing my troubles by a fifth every time I stop trusting the Lord and take them back to handle myself?

Sunday, January 24, 2010



The Year of Jubilee is very appealing to me. I like the idea of not buying land permanently as it will be returned to the original family in the 50th year. This is a very good reminder that the land belongs to God and we are simply entrusted to take care of it.

Per I should be thinking this way about my own small piece of land. I'm always thinking that I'll never truly own the land my home is on because I have to pay taxes so really I have only bought the right to live here until the government decides they need this bit of land for something else. I have said in the past that the government owns my land I just pay rent to stay here. It is really God who owns the land, just as He owns everything He has created ... which would be everything.

LEVITICUS 2All we have to do to have peace in our land is to follow Gods decrees and obey His commands. Makes me wonder how peaceful my home and even just myself would be if I were obeying God's commands. Hmmmmmmm ...

Punishments for not obeying God's commands: terror, disease, hardship, defeat, weakness, poverty, loss, war plague, hunger, cannibalism, destruction, overwnhelming fear, etc.

If sins are confessed we will not be rejected and destroyed utterly by God. We'll have to pay for those sins though.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010



As in many other places in Leviticus, instructions are given here regarding the tabernacle and how it is run followed by the statement that "this will be a lasting ordinance for the generations to come". The shekinah glory is no longer in the tabernacle (building). The physical presence of the Lord our God is no longer t by the descendants of Moses and Aaron. Were all of these ordinances, etc. away with after the birth, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ?

I wonder why it was death by stoning? Clearly they had other means of execution. If they had the means to kill sheep, bulls, etc. every day they must have had sharp weapons that could have been used to execute more merully, or east more quickly. Was it stoning so that no one person would be held responsible for the death? This way the executioner would not then have to be executed as well ... and so on.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010



Evidently, the population had grown sufficiently from the time of Noah and the flood, that marrying your sister was no longer okay. Having multiple wives however, was still okay ... long as your wives were not sisters to each other. When did it come not okay to have multiple wives?


We are no longer under the old law. However, many (if not all) of these laws still sound ... sound for today. Shouldn't we still be following all of these laws to the best of our ability? Is it okay to pick and choose which we will follow and which we won't?

Personally, I do not give offerings of slaughtered animals so that section doesn't really apply to me.

Honor your mother and father; don't steal, lie, cheat or gossip (especially maliciously). These all seem like good ideas.

Do not plant your field with two kinds of seed, do not wear clothing woven of two different materials, do not put tattoo marks on your body; I see alot of these in the world today including in our churches. Is it okay to do these things? Does the Lord still want us following His laws?

Monday, January 18, 2010



These rules are very good for keeping germs at bay as well as food borne illnesses. Moses and the Israelites could not have known the scientific logic to these rules. God, however, who created all things, knew all about this, as all of His rules do these were meant to keep His people healthy and happy.

For me this is a good reminder that it doesn't really matter if I understand the why begind God's rules. All I need to know is that He loves me and wants what is best for me. Follwing Him will ultimately bring me the best, more than I could ever imagine.


A couple things confuse me here. First, why is a woman unclean for twice as long when she has a daughter rather than a son? Secondly, why is a sin offering required once the pirufication time is over? Is it sinful to give birth?


It seems harsh that not only do you have to live alone outside the camp if you have an infectious skin disease but you also have to wear torn clothing and yell, "Unclean! Unclean!" as you walk about. I understand the wisdom of the isolation, it just makes me sad. I like my alone time, but only in very small measures.

Somehow I don't ever remember the rules about mildewed clothing. I mean, I forget that there even are any.


All I can say is a huge thank you to Jesus for releasin us from the old law.


It would appear that the assumption was everone sinned. Which everyone does. All fall short, all go astray. Everyone must make a sin offering at prescribed times and then additional offerings for specific ailments, sins, etc.

Friday, January 15, 2010


If we sin unintentionally, we are still guilty. When we become aware of the sin we are to repent, or atone, for the sin.

If the sin of deception is committed, restitution must be made as well as atonement sacrifices.

The priests were required to keep the fire for burnt offerings going at all times.

A portion of the people's grain offerings are to be eaten by the priests. A priests grain offering, however, must be burnt completely. It is NOT to be eaten.

A portion of meat from fellowship offerings (breast and right thigh) were the priests' share to eat.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


I find it interesting (that's not exactly the word I want to use but can't think of the word I want) that the idea of putting your sin on an innocent to be sacrificed to cover us is reinforced here. The first instance of something being sacrificed to cover human sin was when God made clothes for Adam and Eve from animal skins to cover the sin of their nakedness, or rather the sin of acquiring the knowledge of nakedness.

I hadn't realized that those bringing the animals for sacrifice slaughtered the animals themselves and prepared the pieces for sacrifice. The priests sprinkle the blood and place the offering on the fire. I nhad been under the impression that those seeking atonement brought their animals and the priests did everything else.

All the fat belongs to God. We are not to eat animal blood or fat.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Exodus and Week One Questions

Paying attention to the descriptions of the priestly garments helps me to understand why God singled out a few people to fill with the Holy Spirit, gifting them all the knowledge and skill needed to carry out His instructions for everything related to the tabernacle.

It also makes me wonder how heavy these garments were and whether Aaron and the later priests started out with the strength to wear them or if He blessed them with extra strength whenever the garments were worn.

God said that the anointed priesthood of Aaron and his sons would continue for all generations to come. Are there still Aaronic priests out there somewhere?

It is written that Moses set up the tabernacle: set the bases, frames, poles, spread the tent and covering and then placed all the holy items where they belonged. No one else is mentioned and the section concludes with "And so Moses finished the work." Did he do all this work alone? How did he get those huge coverings and curtains up by himself?

THE GLORY OF THE LORD: Would I be more obedient to Christ if I had such a clear and obvious sign as the cloud and fire that told Moses when to go, where to go and when to stay?

Reading Assignment Genesis 1:1 - Exodus 40:38

1a. How was your reading this week?

One week's assignment took almost two weeks for me to complete. Perhaps this will be the 180 day challenge for me rather than 90.

1b. What challenges did you face in getting your reading done?

Poor time management and lack of discipline.

1c. What was the most effective thing you did to meet those challenges?

I set up reminders to pop up on the computer to stop what I'm doing and read the Bible.

2. What kind of reading routine seems to work best for you, given your activities and schedules?

Reading in the late afternoon or after the girls go to bed. Sometimes both if necessary.

3. As you read the Bible this week, which particular thought(s) and/or event(s) stood out to you or surprised you? Why?

God made a covenant with Noah's family AND all the animals that He would not flood the entire earth like that again.

I never before picked up on the animals being included in that covenant. It makes me hopeful that there will be plenty of animals to play with when my time here is over.

4. Which question(s) came up during your reading for which you'd like to find answers?

Did Moses actually see the face of God or was Moses in the presence of His glory? It is written that Moses spoke with God face to face, as a man speaks with a friend. Then it is written that no one may look upon the face of God and live. So, how exactly did Moses talk to God face to face?

1. In what ways did Adam and Eve's sin affect their offspring and the world in which they lived?

They had to work, and work hard at that, to get anything to grow and make a living.

Basically Adam and Eve's sin made life hard for all that came after them as they had released the knowledge of evil, as well as good. Perhaps they did not understand good fully while living a life of ease in a beautiful garden with all of their needs taken care of.

2. What kind of a man was Abraham? What plans did God want to accomplish through him? What did God commit himself to do?

Abraham followed God but was not perfect.

God's ultimate plan was to redeem all of us through Abraham's descendants ... one in particular (obviously).

God committed to give Abraham more descendants than could be counted. He also committed a certain area of land to belong to His chosen people starting with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

3. As you read about what happened to Joseph and how situations in his life worked out, what surprised you? If you were writing a novel about his life, what would you title it? Why?

There are a number of things that surprise me about Joseph's life story. I guess the biggest is how he kept a good attitude and trusted in God regardless of what happened to him.

I would title my novel "God's Dreamer" because dreams (his own and others) were so central to his story. Dreams made his brothers jealous and angry. Dreams got him out of prison. Dreams gave him power over all Egypt and beyond.

4. In what ways do you think Moses changed between his time in the Egyptian court and when God spoke to him from the burning bush forty years later? What do Moses' objections to God's call to deliver Israel from bondage reveal about his insecurities and view of God?

I think Moses was more deliberate and even-tempered. I can't think of the words to express myself. Moses came from the highest class and then had to run away and fend for himself. He might have thought the rules didn't necessarily apply to him growing up in the palace. Life outside the palace may have taught him that they do.

Moses felt he was a poor speaker and did NOT want to talk in front of people. Moses thought that people might just dismiss and ignore him.

His view of God? I'm not sure. Moses seemed to think perhaps God had made a mistake in choosing him. God doesn't make mistakes!

5. What kind of a picture of God are you developing through your reading so far? What are some of God's characteristics and attributes, and how did he demonstrate them to His chosen people?

God loves us very much (an understatement) and wants what is best for us. He has great patience but if you don't come around eventually ... watch out If you turn against Him and intentionally participate in behavior that He expressly abhors He will remove His hand of protection.

God provided bread, water and meat to His people while they wandered the desert for forty years. This demonstrated both His caring and the consequences for willfully going against Him.

6a. What do you think was God's purpose in providing the Israelites with so many specific instructions regarding daily life and worship?

To teach them the proper way to live. The way that would be healthiest for them in every way. Above all to teach them to be obedient to Him.

6b. What did God demonstrate, through the tabernacel, about His commitment to be with His people?

It was a physical/visible dwelling place for His glory. They could literally see when He was with them. I know that everything to do with the tabernacle is a foreshadowing of Jesus, unfortunately my tiny brain has yet to fully grasp it. If I have grasped it at all yet.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


The bronze basin and stand were made from mirrors. Were mirrors polished bronze? Is bronze reflective?

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Moses was literally glowing from being with the Lord. It frightened people. He began to wear a veil when he was not in the presence of the Lord.

Anyone who worked on the seventh day was to be put to death. They were not even to light fires in their dwellings.

When a free will offering was requested for materials with which to build the tabernacle people gave more than was needed and had to be restrained from giving more.

Friday, January 8, 2010



They were to keep Aaron's consecrated garments to be worn for seven days by future generations of head priests. I did not know this before.

There were daily offerings to the Lord ... two sheep to be burned, among other things. I did not realize this either.

There was a special Altar of Incense with special incense to be burned regularly before the Lord. Twice a day for generations.

There was a special formula for anointing oil to be used on the Tent of Meeting, the Ark of the Testimony and the other sacred items in the Tent of Meeting. It was not to be used for anything else.

Likewise, there was a specific formula for incense that was to be kept most holy and not used for anything other than sprinkling on the ground in front of the Tent of Meeting.

There were dire consequences if anyone duplicated these formulas to use for their own personal use or anything else.

After the Lord had described in great detail all that was to be made for the Tent of Meeting, He told Moses who He had chosen to fill with the Spirit of God; with skill, ability and knowledge to make these things.

Did Moses lose control of himself when he saw the golden calf and everyone singing and dancing and basically partying? Is that why he threw the stone tablets inscribed by the hand of God, which subsequently broke?

Why did Moses make the people drink the golden calf crushed into water?

In verse 11 Moses actually spoke with the Lord face to face, "as a man speaks with his friend." How awesome was that? I can't wait until I get to do that.

In verse 20 the Lord tells Moses that no one may see His face and live. How did Moses speak face to face with the Lord and not perish while in the Tent of Meeting?

Thursday, January 7, 2010


How quickly the Israelites went from singing and dancing praise to the Lord (for the great miracle of parting the Red Sea and drowning the Pharoah and his charioteers) to grumbling because they had no fresh water.

Who does this remind me of?

Oh right, me! How quickly I forget God's blessings when any little irritant comes up. If I keep my eyes on God and do what is right in His eyes ... how can I go wrong? I must try harder to focus on Him even (or especially) when I'm irritated.

The last priestly garment described sounds a lot like boxer shorts. Was this the beginning of underclothes ... for modesty's sake? God indicated the priests must wear these shorts whenever entering the Tent of Meeting to avoid guilt and death. It seems to me that the Lord our God takes modesty pretty seriously. I'm thinking that means we should as well.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


God rewarded the midwives for lying to Pharoah in order to help save the Israelite baby boys. So, there are certain stances when it is okay to lie?

God told Moses that He would harden Pharoah's heart so that he would not let the Israelites go. Why was Pharoah not given a chance until after his first born son had died?

Monday, January 4, 2010


It is difficult for me to discern what God has for me in the story of Joseph as the passages are so familiar to me.

What is impressed upon me most is that what man intends for evil God can use for good.

For that I am quite thankful.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Esau, realizing his Caananite wives were displeasing to his parents, went and married again. This time marrying one of his Uncle Ishmael's daughters. Is this more pleasing? Ishmael was run off with his mother. Did the family now get together? Were all old times and hurts forgiven?

Jacob realized that everything he had was given to him by God. In thanks for all the gifts God had given him, Jacob would tithe 10% back.

Jacob appears to have fallen in love with Rachel on sight, before ever seeing Leah or knowing of her existence. Leah had weak or delicate eyes but Rachel was beautiful and lovely in form. Was Rachel more desirable because she was strong and healthy? Was Rachel the shepherdess because Leah was too frail for the job? Perhaps Rachel was strong and beautiful because she was a shepherdess.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Although Sarah was in her 80s or 90s, she was evidently still desirable or the king would not have sent for her.

Why this was done more than once is explained as Sarah is indeed Abraham's half sister and early on Abraham had told Sarah that she could show her love to him by telling all he was her brother during their wanderings for the Lord.

Just as Hagar was driven away while pregnant with Ishmael because her attitude, and perhaps actions and/or words, raised Sarah's ire ... Ishmael caused his mother and himself to be sent away when he was mocking Sarah's son.

Hagar was Egyptian and had Ishmael marry an Egyptian woman. Why are we told this? What is the importance?

Why does God test Abraham by telling him to sacrifice Isaac? God knows already how Abraham will respond. Is it to help Abraham grow in his faith? How did this episode affect Isaac? Were the circumstances explained to him? Love and obey the Lord you God above all else ... including your own children.

Putting your hand under some one's thigh to swear an oath ... was that the custom? Is this how all oaths were taken at that time?

Abraham had more children after Ishmael and Isaac. Abraham gave gifts to his other sons before he died and sent them away from Isaac to whom he left everything he owned. Were they Abraham's sons? They are referred to as "the sons of Abraham's concubines". Is this because Isaac was the only son recognized by Abraham as his? Isaac is referred to as Abraham's ONLY son.

When Abraham dies Ishmael and Isaac buried him together. Any other children had been sent away.

Isaac and Rebekah had been married 20 years before Jacob and Esau were born.

How hungry was Esau to sell his birthright for a bowl of soup? Was he truly starving? Weak with hunger? Was the food really needed to sustain him or was he simply hasty?

I have said or thought, "I'm starving!" many times but I have never actually been starving. Merely quite hungry.

Isaac, like his father Abraham, told people that his wife was his sister, fearing they would kill him so that Rebekah would be free to marry another. Was this common practice. Did many men with desirable wives call them "sister" whilst traveling? Is this the same Abimilech that Abraham and Sarah sought to deceive in the same manner? Was he on his guard to watch for such deceptions?

Why was Rebekah so deceptive. Why did she feel the need to steal Esau's blessing for her favored son?

It is sad to me that Jacob's concern seemed to be that he could get caught rather than what he was doing was wrong. Jacob says it would appear he was tricking his father. Not only would it appear that way ... he actually was tricking his father.

Isaac suspected something was amiss before he gave Jacob the blessing.

Esau accuses Jacob of deceiving him out of his birthright. Was it really deception or simply taking advantage of a hungry brother?

Friday, January 1, 2010


When did this happen? Had Adam & Even been in existence for a short time or had they been in the garden for decades?

Cain was the first born son. Why did Cain bring his first fruits as an offering? Did the Lord instruct him to? Did his parents? Was it because Cain loved God and wanted to thank him for his bounty? Was it not Cain's first fruits? Abel brought an offering from his first born livestock. Is this why Cain's offering was not looked upon with favor? God asked Cain, "If you do what is right, will you not be accepted?" Was Cain already doing things he shouldn't before he brought his offering to the Lord?

"At that time men began to call on the name of the Lord." What does this last line of chapter 4 mean?

What is Lamech's story? God told Cain he would be avenged seven times. Did He tell Lamech 77 times? Where did Lamech get this idea?

Other than Seth, is this a record of first born children or just certain ones in the line of Noah?

Enoch is singled out as having walked with God rather than just living. Was he more obedient to the Lord than the others?

The Nephilim were on the earth in the days of Noah ... and also afterward. Were they wiped out by the flood? Are they still here?

Noah was blameless among the people of his time. The people of his time were so corrupt and violent that God decided to wipe the earth clean.

Noah was to bring two of each kind of living thing to be kept alive, they would come to him. Nice that he was not required to go seek them all out and gather them to himself.

Noah was instructed further to bring seven of every clean kind of animal and two of every unclean animal, seven of every kind of bird. I do remember that sacrifices were made to God upon leaving the ark. It would be good to have more than two of something if one is going to be killed as a sacrifice.

Everything living on the face of the earth and every bird of the sky were wiped from the earth.

God gave Noah and his family dominion to use clean animals for meat, just as He had given them the green plants as food in the beginning.

God established his covenant to never again cut off all life by waters; not only with Noah and his family but with all the animals that came out of the ark with them. Had the animals and birds also been corrupted and become violent so they had to be destroyed as well?

The rainbow is a sign of God's covenant with every living thing on earth.

Adam and Eve learned when they ate of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil that they were naked. Their immediate response was to make clothing to cover themes. The first mention of modesty. The concept of modesty reinforced when God made clothes for them from animal skins to replace the coverings they had made for themselves from fig leaves.

Noah was found naked by his son Ham who told the other brothers. The other brothers, Shem and Japheth, took pains to avoid seeing their father's nakedness while covering him so others also would not see his nakedness. Another indication we are to be modest. Reinforced by Noah cursing the son who looked upon him and blessing the sons who covered him.

GENESIS 15 & 16
God told Abram that he would have a son from his own body and that he would have countless descendants. Who the mother would be was not specified at this time. In fact, Abram had two sons from his own body. Each with a different mother and a promise from God of descendants too numerous to count.

Here God changed the names of Abram and Sarai to Abraham and Sarah. He also promised Abraham a son by Sarah. This son is the one which He will make His covenant. Through this line with Sarah would kings of peoples come. Sarah would be the mother of nations.

Ishmael, Abraham's first son, would also be blessed.