A Bible Study For You ... Us

A Bible Study For You ... Us
Join me in reading through the Bible and sharing thoughts, questions or impacts that arise from God's Word!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Matthew 5:4-5

4. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

The word for comforted is παρακαλέω parakaleo (pä-rä-kä-le'-ō) which means to call near. Comforting indeed is the thought that when I am grieving, Jesus is there calling me near to Him.

5. Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth.

The word for gentle is πραΰς prays (prä-ü's) which means mild. I do not understand what it means to inherit the earth. How do I attain a mild disposition? The words meek, humble and gentle are easier for me to identify with.

Somehow meek and mild bring with them a negative feeling ... However, I am thinking of a mild and meek attitude toward God in accepting that there are things that happen in my life that I will not like, want or understand but still I will wholly rely on God rather than my own strength to get me through this life.

My spirit is now rejoicing in the knowledge that I don't have to do it on my own.

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