A Bible Study For You ... Us

A Bible Study For You ... Us
Join me in reading through the Bible and sharing thoughts, questions or impacts that arise from God's Word!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Deuteronomy 5:12-33

The seventh day should be used for rest. We are commanded by God to rest. Why does this seem to be the hardest commandment to follow? We no longer seem to know how to rest. Even our vacations and days off are filled with work and effort.

Honor your parents so you will live long and things will go well for you. The strife alone that comes from not honoring your parents could easily shorten your life and lessen the quality simply through the stress it brings, even if you try to bury.

Murder, adultery, stealing, lying. On the surface these seem like the easy ones. They may be harder than we think. (I felt a whole lot more research coming on at this point but I also have a calling God gave me and she was calling me to feed her breakfast.) Perhaps I will come back to this and post at a later date.

Coveting: another one that is hard ... at least for me. One of my favorite time wasters is windermere.com looking at all the houses I will not be moving to and dreaming how nice life would be there. What is so bad about my life that I "need" this escape? Would not my home, my family and even my soul be in better shape if I spent less time dreaming about what I don't have and spent more time taking care of and appreciating all He has given me? He has given me so much! My life is truly full of so many blessings. God is great!

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