A Bible Study For You ... Us

A Bible Study For You ... Us
Join me in reading through the Bible and sharing thoughts, questions or impacts that arise from God's Word!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Genesis 37

I always thought Joseph was the favorite because he was born of the favorite wife, not because he was born in Jacob's old age.

If I was hated by my brothers and had dreams like this I might just keep them to myself or share them just with my father or mother.

I'm not sure what it means that Jacob "kept the matter in mind". Was he remembering it so if the dreams were fulfilled he would recognize it? Was he keeping it in mind after Jacob was "dead".

Joseph's brothers had gone to graze their flocks near Shechem. Isn't this the land named after the man who defiled their sister? What were there feelings on being reminded of these incidents? Were they still angry about what was done to their sister? Did they feel pride at the vengeance they had taken?

The man in Shechem that asked Joseph what he was looking for seemed to know who Joseph was on sight. Was the family simply well known or did the fabulous coat give away his identity.

How much jealousy had to be eating away at Joseph's brothers that upon seeing his approach they put him down and come up with a plot to kill him.

Reuben planned to come back and rescue Joseph. When Reuben returned to the cistern Joseph was not there as his brothers had sold him to the Ishmaelites. Where had Reuben gone? Was he in charge of the flocks while the rest of the brothers sat for dinner?

It would appear that both Jacob and Reuben were grieving the death of Joseph.

I don't know which did the greater harm in spirit. Selling Joseph so that he was away from all family and a slave to boot or lying to Jacob and Reuben letting them think Joseph was dead.

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