A Bible Study For You ... Us

A Bible Study For You ... Us
Join me in reading through the Bible and sharing thoughts, questions or impacts that arise from God's Word!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Genesis 17-22

Genesis 16:7-13 and 21:9-13
Why would God make a mighty nation from Ishmael's descendants knowing they would not be following Him? I don't really expect an answer to this one, nowhere does it say that I will understand what God is thinking when He makes decisions and/or allows things to happen.

Genesis 21:9-20
Ishmael and his mother were cast out when Ishmael was 14. When Hagar put Ishmael under a bush and walked away crying out to God that she would not have to watch or hear her son dying, Ishmael must have had full understanding of their circumstances. It must have made him quite bitter. I imagine he was already bitter as it does not sound like his mother was treated well ... even before she was cast out. What son ever wants to see his mother mistreated in any way.

Genesis 22:2
Why is Isaac referred to as Abraham's only son? Is it simply because Abraham no longer has Ishmael since he and his mother were sent away?

Genesis 22:8
"God will provide for Himself the lamb ..." Wow! What foreshadowing of the lamb He would later give to us as a sacrifice to atone for all sin. Thank you Lord for your immense love.

Genesis 22:9-10
What was Isaac thinking as his own father tied him up and laid him on the altar of sacrifice. Did he struggle and fight or did he simply allow Abraham to ready him for death?

What was Abraham thinking? He had been given the promise from God more than once that his descendants through Isaac would be too many to count. Did this give Abraham peace while readying Isaac for death beca7use he knew the Lord would keep His promise? Was he thinking I don't know how you're going to do it Lord but I know I will not lose my son forever even as you command me to kill him because you promised me grandchildren from Isaac. I am trusting you Lord to somehow return Isaac to me.

Genesis 22:18
David came from the line of Abraham through Isaac. Jesus came from the line of David. A blessing to every nation indeed! Above all we thank God for sending His son to save us. A thank you to Abraham for learning to obey God's commands withholding nothing, not even his own son.

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