A Bible Study For You ... Us

A Bible Study For You ... Us
Join me in reading through the Bible and sharing thoughts, questions or impacts that arise from God's Word!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Genesis 29:31-30:24

Leah had the same thought that women still have today when they find themselves in a loveless marriage. If I give him children, the he will love me and we will be happy. I know things were different then and having sons was very important.

When both Leah and Rachel gave their maidservants to Jacob so that they could have more children through them it makes me wonder, did they not know about Sarah giving her maidservant to Abraham when she hadn't had children when she had expected to and the problems this caused?

Why is this surprising to me in any way. I have a very clear memory of telling my own mother when I was in my teens, "I have to learn things the hard way, through my own experiences." It pains me to think how many times my mom was right and how much easier my life could have been had I listened to her more often as a child and as a young adult.

I guess some things never change ... Abraham and Isaac both told Abimelech that their wives were their sisters. Leah and Rachel both gave their maidservants to Jacob as Sarah had.

I was a bit shocked with Rachel's response to God when she finally birthed a son of her own, "May the Lord add me another son." Not, Wow! Thanks for answering my requests for a son of my own.

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