A Bible Study For You ... Us

A Bible Study For You ... Us
Join me in reading through the Bible and sharing thoughts, questions or impacts that arise from God's Word!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Genesis 39

Did Potiphar actually understand that everything Joseph did was successful because the Almighty God was with him? Did Potiphar just think that Joseph's God was another of many gods?

So, not only was Joseph successful, he was quite attractive as well.

Was it difficult for Joseph to turn Potiphar's wife down again and again when they were together so often? How long can a man resist a woman throwing herself at him before he gives in?

Joseph was so good at the jobs given him that both Potiphar and then the prison warden did not concern themselves with anything under Joseph's care.

Lord God, I ask you to help me do the jobs you've given me so well that it causes you no worry.

Genesis 38

Was it okay with Jacob that Judah left and married a Canaanite?

Again with the deception. Onan would not give Tamar children for his brother Er. Er and Onan were both evidently so wicked that the Lord put them to death. Judah sent Tamar away to try to keep her from his last son Shelah. Tamar seduced Judah while in disguise as a prostitute to get a child that was rightfully hers from Judah's family.

Now, I realize that temple prostitutes were commonplace and widely used as a form of "worship". I would have thought temple prostitutes would have been off limits to the sons of Jacob and the rest of the line of Abraham. I understand Judah's wife had died, but I don't think that justifies going to a prostitute ... religiously sanctioned or not. Temple prostitutes would be off limits (above and beyond a non-temple prostitute) because they were a form of worship to other gods.

It is interesting that so many twins were born 'out of order' so to speak. How different was birthing back then? How are all these hands popping out and going back in? It has been my experience that most babies come out head first, not reaching out with their arms to have a hand come out first.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Genesis 37

I always thought Joseph was the favorite because he was born of the favorite wife, not because he was born in Jacob's old age.

If I was hated by my brothers and had dreams like this I might just keep them to myself or share them just with my father or mother.

I'm not sure what it means that Jacob "kept the matter in mind". Was he remembering it so if the dreams were fulfilled he would recognize it? Was he keeping it in mind after Jacob was "dead".

Joseph's brothers had gone to graze their flocks near Shechem. Isn't this the land named after the man who defiled their sister? What were there feelings on being reminded of these incidents? Were they still angry about what was done to their sister? Did they feel pride at the vengeance they had taken?

The man in Shechem that asked Joseph what he was looking for seemed to know who Joseph was on sight. Was the family simply well known or did the fabulous coat give away his identity.

How much jealousy had to be eating away at Joseph's brothers that upon seeing his approach they put him down and come up with a plot to kill him.

Reuben planned to come back and rescue Joseph. When Reuben returned to the cistern Joseph was not there as his brothers had sold him to the Ishmaelites. Where had Reuben gone? Was he in charge of the flocks while the rest of the brothers sat for dinner?

It would appear that both Jacob and Reuben were grieving the death of Joseph.

I don't know which did the greater harm in spirit. Selling Joseph so that he was away from all family and a slave to boot or lying to Jacob and Reuben letting them think Joseph was dead.

Genesis 36

The mention of the hot springs discovery is indeed interesting but what does it mean?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Genesis 35

They had to bury their earrings with their foreign gods? Why? Was jewelery a form of worship to the other gods?

It seems a nice gesture that the oak under which Deborah (Rebekah's nurse) was buried was the called the "oak of weeping". I think it's sweet. Evidently Deborah was loved very much.

Rachel named her second son "son of my trouble" Ben-Oni with her last breath. Abraham made his name Benjamin, "son of my right hand". Did Abraham not want his son to have a name that seemed to prophesy more trouble?

It is interesting that Reuben sleeping with Bilhah is mentioned followed by the statement that his father heard of it. Did Reuben get in trouble? Was a child conceived? Is this incident ever mentioned anywhere else?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Who is Terah?

I really had to look at this for a long time because I honestly didn't remember ever hearing that name before. Here is some of what I came up with.

Adam was the father of Cain.
Cain was the father of Enoch.
Enoch was the father of Irad.
Irad was the father of Mehujael.
Mehujael was the father of Methushael.
Methushael was the father of Lamech.
Lamech was the father of Noah.
Noah was the father of Shem, Ham and Japheth.
Shem was the father of Elam, Asshur, Arpachshad, Lud and Aram.
Arpachshad was the father of Shelah.
Shelah was the father of Eber.
Eber was the father of Peleg and Joktan.
Peleg was the father of Reu.
Reu was the father of Serug.
Serug was the father of Nahor.
Nahor was the father of Terah.
Terah was the father of Abram, Nahor and Haran. (Haran was the father of Lot. Also, it would appear that Terah named one of his sons after his own father.)
Terah was also the father of Sarah but through a different mother than Abraham. (Later Sarah is referred to as Terah's daughter-in-law rather than daughter. The only mention of her being Terah's daughter is when Abraham is explaining that he didn't completely lie about Sarah being his sister rather than his wife to Abimelech.)

Terah was 70 years old when he bacame the father of Abram, Nahor and Haran. (Gen 11:26)

Terah lived in the land of his birth, in Ur of the Chaldeans. (Gen 11:28)

Terah is the one who took Abram (his son) and Abram's family plus Lot (Terah's grandson) toward Canaan but he stopped in Haran.

Terah lived to be 205. (Gen 11:32)

Terah became the name of a city which was one that the Israelites passed through under the leadership of Moses and Aaron. (Num 33:27-28)

Terah served other gods. (Joshua 24:2)

Whew! It was quite a journey trying to figure out who this guy was.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Genesis 34

I've just never understood how Shechem could have thought things could go well if he took Dinah by force and THEN spoke softly and sweetly to her and asked his father to get Dinah as his Bride.

Was is Jacob's intent to honor what his sons had agreed to with Shchem and his people? How have I missed in the past times I have read this that Jacob was unhappy with what his sons had done?

How did Dinah feel about all of what happened?

Genesis 31:19

Why did Rachel steal her father's household gods after telling Jacob to do whatever God told him? (vs 16) Did she want to worship the gods she grew up with? Did she not really believe about Jacob's God? Was she merely telling Jacob that she would follow him whatever he decided?

Genesis 31:42 & 53

I don't remember ever before seeing the phrase "the Fear of Isaac" in reference to God. Where does this come from? What does it mean?

Genesis 30:25-43

Was it considered common knowledge that if you put striped branches in the water your sheep and goats would be born striped and/or speckled or was this something God led Jacob to do?

Was it really honest to do something to ensure all of your sheep and goats would be strong and hearty while the others would be weak and given to your uncle?

Jacob had said that it would be a sign of honesty that he had only spotted, speckled or dark livestock.

Genesis 29:31-30:24

Leah had the same thought that women still have today when they find themselves in a loveless marriage. If I give him children, the he will love me and we will be happy. I know things were different then and having sons was very important.

When both Leah and Rachel gave their maidservants to Jacob so that they could have more children through them it makes me wonder, did they not know about Sarah giving her maidservant to Abraham when she hadn't had children when she had expected to and the problems this caused?

Why is this surprising to me in any way. I have a very clear memory of telling my own mother when I was in my teens, "I have to learn things the hard way, through my own experiences." It pains me to think how many times my mom was right and how much easier my life could have been had I listened to her more often as a child and as a young adult.

I guess some things never change ... Abraham and Isaac both told Abimelech that their wives were their sisters. Leah and Rachel both gave their maidservants to Jacob as Sarah had.

I was a bit shocked with Rachel's response to God when she finally birthed a son of her own, "May the Lord add me another son." Not, Wow! Thanks for answering my requests for a son of my own.

Genesis 12-29

I never thought about how much deception ran through these three generations of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. These three men were deceived and deceived others. I guess this shouldn't be too surprising. After all the very first woman was deceived and pulled her husband into the sin that followed.

Genesis 29:22-25

How do you lay with someone on your wedding night and not know until morning that the woman you married and lay with is not the one you intended to marry? Was the wedding ritual such that you did not see the bride's face until the next morning? Did not hear her voice? Was there a lot more drinking going on that I am unaware of?

Genesis 28:20-22

After dreaming about the stairway to heaven and hearing the Lord's promises does Jacob respond by bargaining or requesting proof of God's lordship? If you provide for me and return me safely home, then you will be my God and I will give back to you. If the Lord God did not provide as Jacob requested was Jacob planning to reject the God of his father and grandfather?

Genesis 28:6-9

Esau married two Hittite women which was displeasing to his parents. When he realized this, he married a daughter of Ishmael. Was this better or more pleasing because it was someone from the line of Abraham, even though it was from the line that was cast out?

Genesis 27:1-28

Isaac gave Jacob the blessing he intended to give Esau. Isaac thought he was blessing Esau. Even though Isaac's hand was on Jacob when he gave the blessing, why wouldn't the blessing go to Esau as intended? God knows our hearts, He knew that Isaac's blessing was meant for Esau. Perhaps there is something deeper that I have missed.

Genesis 20 & 26:1-11

Isaac, like his father before him, told King Abimelech and his men that his wife was his sister. Was it really better in that time for a man to freely give his wife to another in order to save their own life? Both Isaac and Abraham feared they would be killed so other men could have their wives. Is this something that happened frequently during that time?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Genesis 17-22

Genesis 16:7-13 and 21:9-13
Why would God make a mighty nation from Ishmael's descendants knowing they would not be following Him? I don't really expect an answer to this one, nowhere does it say that I will understand what God is thinking when He makes decisions and/or allows things to happen.

Genesis 21:9-20
Ishmael and his mother were cast out when Ishmael was 14. When Hagar put Ishmael under a bush and walked away crying out to God that she would not have to watch or hear her son dying, Ishmael must have had full understanding of their circumstances. It must have made him quite bitter. I imagine he was already bitter as it does not sound like his mother was treated well ... even before she was cast out. What son ever wants to see his mother mistreated in any way.

Genesis 22:2
Why is Isaac referred to as Abraham's only son? Is it simply because Abraham no longer has Ishmael since he and his mother were sent away?

Genesis 22:8
"God will provide for Himself the lamb ..." Wow! What foreshadowing of the lamb He would later give to us as a sacrifice to atone for all sin. Thank you Lord for your immense love.

Genesis 22:9-10
What was Isaac thinking as his own father tied him up and laid him on the altar of sacrifice. Did he struggle and fight or did he simply allow Abraham to ready him for death?

What was Abraham thinking? He had been given the promise from God more than once that his descendants through Isaac would be too many to count. Did this give Abraham peace while readying Isaac for death beca7use he knew the Lord would keep His promise? Was he thinking I don't know how you're going to do it Lord but I know I will not lose my son forever even as you command me to kill him because you promised me grandchildren from Isaac. I am trusting you Lord to somehow return Isaac to me.

Genesis 22:18
David came from the line of Abraham through Isaac. Jesus came from the line of David. A blessing to every nation indeed! Above all we thank God for sending His son to save us. A thank you to Abraham for learning to obey God's commands withholding nothing, not even his own son.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Genesis 1:1 - 16:16

Here are a couple of questions and an impact that hit me while I was reading the first part of Genesis. Feel free to respond with your thoughts on what I wrote or anything else that came up while you read these passages.

Genesis 4:14-17
Who was going to find Cain and kill him? Cain left the presence of the Lord and settled in the land of Nod where he married and had a son ... was the land of Nod already full of people? Where did they come from? Who was there for Cain to marry if he was the first born of Adam and Eve?

Genesis 6:1-4
The sons of God had children with the daughters of men. These children were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown. Who were the sons of God? Who were the mighty men of renown?

Genesis 7:2-5
I never before realized that after the ark was finished Noah had only seven days to gather all the animals AND it was not just two of every kind it was two of every unclean animal and seven of every clean animal and birds.

Friday, May 29, 2009

A Bible Study For You ... Us

Join me in reading through the Bible and sharing questions or impacts that arise from God's Word!