A Bible Study For You ... Us

A Bible Study For You ... Us
Join me in reading through the Bible and sharing thoughts, questions or impacts that arise from God's Word!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Deuteronomy 2

It's interesting to me to think that America was not the first place a group of people came in and ran off the previous inhabitants. In actuality this has been happening since there were tribes of people.

I think I just identify with what happened here since it was my ancestors who came over then defeated and or intermarried with my other ancestors who were already here. My great-grandpa Hjalmer Mork married my great-grandma Eliza Moses. Eliza's father was Charlie Moses to the white man but the name he was first given was T'aaw Yaat.

What was my point? Maybe I didn't have one.

Verses 14 &15: How hard is life when you have to live 38 years with God's hand against you? I guess this should teach all of us that we should NOT do the direct opposite of what God directs us to do. I just became even more motivated to read through the entire Bible. I really don't want to live for any length of time with God's hand against me!

Verse 30: Is there something I simply don't understand? Well, obviously there is or that question would not come up. What I don't understand are the passages like this one that tell us God made someone stubborn so that they would be defeated and/or have terrible things happen to them.

God was very specific in His instructions to Moses regarding who they would fight and conquer and who they were to leave alone (Esau's and Lot's descendants). It is nice to read that the Israelites followed His specific instructions this time around and things went well for them.

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