A Bible Study For You ... Us

A Bible Study For You ... Us
Join me in reading through the Bible and sharing thoughts, questions or impacts that arise from God's Word!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Numbers 20

Again the Israelites quarrel with Moses and cry out they would be better off had they been killed with their brothers. "Why did you take us out of Egypt? We had the good life there!" (My own little paraphrase.)

God directed Moses to speak to the rock and water would gush from it. Moses didn't do that exactly. Moses gathered the people and said, "Must I bring forth water from the rock?" He did not glorify God, he glorified himself instead and struck the rock rather than just speaking to it. This was when God told Moses and Aaron they would NOT be the ones leading the Israelites into the Promised Land.

Moses, Aaron and Eleazar all knew when Aaron was going to die. I wonder what my reaction would be if Nikka came along and said that God had told her I was being "gathered to my people" and that she, Jennifer and I had to go up a mountain where I would give Jennifer my clothes, then I would die and Nikka and Jennifer would return down the mountain. I don't really know how I would take this news. Probably a bit skeptical, but only because (as far as I know) God has not been coming down and directing Nikka by talking to her face to face.

Another question, how did Aaron die? Did he simply drop dead after his garments (assuming we're referring to the special priestly garments) had been put on his son Eleazar?

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