A Bible Study For You ... Us

A Bible Study For You ... Us
Join me in reading through the Bible and sharing thoughts, questions or impacts that arise from God's Word!

Friday, February 19, 2010

God Remembers Noah

Then God remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the animals that were with him in the ark. And God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters subsided.
Genesis 8:1-3

Interesting choice of words. Almost sounds like God forgot and then when He remembered he dried up the waters. God doesn't forget ... unless it is tossing something (like our sins) into the sea of forgetfulness. 

Naming the animals ...

I had a question the other day ... or maybe it was a thought. This is why I'm supposed to come post immediately when I think of something. Anyway ....

Why did the Lord have Adam name all the animals? Was it to exercise the imaginative and memory portions of his brain? Adam was only a couple days old when he was given this monumental task. I think I understand why some things have such odd names now. Every once in awhile I think, who came up with that name? Now I guess I know. It was Adam.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Numbers 21

Again with the complaining.

Why did you bring us out of Egypt?

"We detest this miserable food."

I'm sorry, are they referring to manna? Heavenly food provided by God himself is miserable to eat. Interesting.

The price for complaining to God? Snakes ... that bite and kill. The people came to Moses and said, "We're sorry. We were wrong. Please ask God to take the snakes away." In response to Moses prayers the Lord had Moses make a bronze snake and put it atop a tall pole. Whenever people looked at it, after having been bitten, they would be saved.

This seems like a graven image. I thought we weren't supposed to have things like that.

Where could I find a copy of the "Book of the Wars of the Lord"?

Why did these kings not want the Israelites to pass through their land?  Is it because there were so many Israelites that the kings thought their lands would be overrun?

Numbers 20

Again the Israelites quarrel with Moses and cry out they would be better off had they been killed with their brothers. "Why did you take us out of Egypt? We had the good life there!" (My own little paraphrase.)

God directed Moses to speak to the rock and water would gush from it. Moses didn't do that exactly. Moses gathered the people and said, "Must I bring forth water from the rock?" He did not glorify God, he glorified himself instead and struck the rock rather than just speaking to it. This was when God told Moses and Aaron they would NOT be the ones leading the Israelites into the Promised Land.

Moses, Aaron and Eleazar all knew when Aaron was going to die. I wonder what my reaction would be if Nikka came along and said that God had told her I was being "gathered to my people" and that she, Jennifer and I had to go up a mountain where I would give Jennifer my clothes, then I would die and Nikka and Jennifer would return down the mountain. I don't really know how I would take this news. Probably a bit skeptical, but only because (as far as I know) God has not been coming down and directing Nikka by talking to her face to face.

Another question, how did Aaron die? Did he simply drop dead after his garments (assuming we're referring to the special priestly garments) had been put on his son Eleazar?

Numbers 19

It would appear that the frequency of burning red cows for the purpose of gathering their ashes for the purifying water would depend on when they ran out of ash from the last red cow used for this purpose. I wonder how often that happened.

Numbers 18

The Lord told Aaron that he and his sons would be responsible for the duties of the sanctuary. If anyone else entered the sanctuary the would die and so would Aaron. The Lord said that the priesthood was His gift to Aaron and anyone other than his descendants who  near the sanctuary must be put to death.

The Lord explained to Aaron what would be provided from the offerings to be consumed by the Levites. In this way they would be sustained, through tithes and offerings.

Numbers 17

The Lord made it clear that Aaron was His chosen one to put a stop to the grumbling of the others by having almonds grow from Aaron's staff. After this sign was given all the Israelites started lamenting that they would all die. Why?

Numbers 16

Was this the first earthquake ... when Korah, Dathan and Abiram were swallowed up along with all their belongings?

Numbers 15

Whether you sin intentionally or unintentionally your sins need to be absolved. However, if you sin defiantly that is very bad. Do not despise the Lord's word or break His commands.

When a man was found working on the Sabbath the Lord told Moses that the whole assembly had to stone him outside the camp.

Hmmmm ... kinda feel like I should be sewing little blue tassels on all my clothes to remind me of God's commands and not to focus on the lusts of my own heart and eyes.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Numbers 14

Again with the complaining about what God has given them and saying they would be better off back in Egypt! Will they ever learn? A frequent though of mine when reading the Bible. Usually followed by the question, "Will I?".

So, after God has passed judgment and explained the consequences, the people decide to attempt what God first told them to do. Even though God had clearly told them they would NEVER see the land promised to His people. Their children would be brought there when the current complaining generation He was addressing had all died, other than Joshua and Caleb who were faithful and uncomplaining.

Numbers 13

When and why did Moses start calling Hoshea, Joshua?

Numbers 12

Again, God says that He speaks with Moses face-to-face and Moses sees the form of the Lord. How does Moses survive this? I guess it says that moses sees His form rather than His face. Perhaps He is appearing dimly in order to converse directly with Moses.

Why was Miriam struck with leprosy and Aaron was not. Did they not both speak against Moses?

Numbers 11

It would appear that God will only put up with complaints when He is providing for all needs for so long. I'm thinking I should remember God's fire when I am feeling "Poor-Me" ish. God has provided far more than my mere needs.

I'm not sure why I had always imagined manna as a little wafer that tasted of honey, no cooking or preparation required. Clearly, not the case.

Moses originally tried to decline the task God had set before him. He never wanted the job. Here he please with the Lord. What have I done to deserve this? If this is to be my existence, please kill me now.

God tells Moses that he won't have to do it on his own any longer and could choose 70 men to assist him. I'm pretty sure God was doing most of the heave lifting all along. However, I also know He carries my burdens on His shoulders yet lately I've been feeling all alone and I can't do it all alone. I guess I just need to remember that I am not ever alone.

Somehow whenever I think of God sending quails I think of it as a one time, one night event. No, it was an entire month. God said He would send quail every day for a month until they were all sick of it.

I love that after everything Moses has seen the Lord do, he still doubts. When I say I love it what I really mean is that it makes me smile and reminds me once again that Moses was just a man. The only reason he is remembered and written about is that God specifically chose him.

The Lord's answer also makes me smile as I think of how many time I have doubted God myself. In the forefront of my mind I'm always in the mindframe that God can do anything because I know this is true. In the back of my mind however, there is always this little bit of doubt that He will do anything that I ask of Him. After all, He didn't let me keep my baby when I asked for that while having a miscarriage. He sen Layne off to a different state. Obama was elected. Then I remember that I do have at least a couple of prayers that I know fully were answered in the affirmative from our God that is ALWAYS good.

I feel like I've gone off track. Where was I? Oh yeah! Moses doubting God's ability to feed so many, so much for so long.

A wind blew the quail in from the sea. I didn't know quail were from the sea. What am I missing?

That's a LOT of quail! Three feet deep and a day's walk in any direction from the camp.

So, God provided meat in great abundance because that is what the people were demanding and whining about most. Then, before they could consume it He struck them with a great plague. Note taken! When God is raining down blessings every single day, providing for our needs. Don't complain about the blessings and especially don't say life was better before He freed you. I'm ashamed to admit it but I have had those "want to go back to Egypt" thoughts myself. They are almost always immediately followed by laughing at myself at the thought that I was handling my life better than God is currently doing. Is there any thought more foolish?

Numbers 10

Moses wanted his brother-in-law, Hobab, to come with them to the Promised Land. His argument to convince Hobab to come with them was that Hobab knew where they should camp. Hmmmmm ... wasn't there a cloud that showed them where to do that?

Numbers 9

The same rules apply to all who are living among God's chosen people, whether they are native born or not.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Numbers 8

To purify themselves the priests had to shave their entire bodies, among other things. I missed that before. I only remember the water and animal sacrifice part of purification.

Aaron was to offer the Levites as a wave offering. How exactly was this done? Other wave offerings were done by waving portions of an animal before the Lord. How does this translate to a large group of people?

The Levites worked for 25 years each, from the age of 25 to the age of 50. Then they were to retire.